Daniel 1:8-13; 10:2-3
The Daniel Fast is a widely utilized fast based on the Biblical book of Daniel. It involves a 21 day food intake period, devoid of animal products and preservatives, and inclusive of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. During the 21-day Daniel Fast, you'll be on a plant-based diet that — as the Bible verses detail — does not allow for meat, caffeine or alcohol. Many followers also cut out refined and processed foods. And some people following the fast eat fish as a source of protein.
The biggest and most important ASK made of each person is to commit to at least one hour of prayer and personal devotional time alone with the Lord each day. For some of you, that is already happening, but for most people that extra hour will be best found in actually skipping a meal time or blocking out an hour of TV or recreational time. It is in this sacrificial “set aside” fasting time with God that our heart will be most refreshed and our prayers most targeted.
JOURNALING is a spiritual discipline that we hope to encourage individuals to during this fast season. Write down some key impressions that Holy Spirit gives you from your reading and any ideas that come to your mind while you are praying and listening. If you miss a day, pick up the next day. Our goal is to press into God’s presence, intercede for revival for our church and community, and specific needs for the church and our community.
If you are not currently in a regular Bible reading plan, you might consider one of the following:
· Read 5 Psalms a day. ( 1, 31, 61, 91, 121 )
· Read a chapter of Proverbs each day
· Read the book of John a couple of times for sermon familiarity.
** Even if you do not refrain from eating certain foods, you can still participate by increasing your time with the Lord each day. **
Please contact Pastor Daniel at if you have any questions.